essay writing tips

The Ultimate Guide On How To Write An Essay For Beginners

If you’re new to writing essays, the task could seem pretty daunting, but once you know what you’re doing, and over time, it will definitely become easier. Here’s what beginners need to know:

  • Making a timetable.
  • You should plan your time. Make a schedule that you can stick to. Estimate how long you will need to accomplish each part and work out your timetable accordingly. The better prepared you are, the easier it will be to write your essay.

  • Researching.
  • Most essays will require research. Remember to plan this into your schedule. When doing research, make plenty of notes along the way.

  • Creating an outline.
  • Now you should create an outline for your paper. The three main components of an essay are: the introduction, the body text (one or more chapters) and the conclusion. Before you begin writing a first draft, work out how many chapters you need and what information you want to include and where it belongs.

  • Writing an introduction.
  • Your introduction is best written last. Then you’ll know exactly what you want to include in it. The introduction should introduce the topic being presented, state your aims and objectives and say what conclusions you may come to.

  • Writing a conclusion.
  • The conclusion is a vital part of the paper as it wraps everything up in a neat parcel. You should restate your aims and objectives, create a summary of the key points and then conclude matters in a final way.

  • Writing a first draft.
  • Now you are prepared to write your first draft. So go on!

  • Editing.
  • Once you have completed your first draft, the work isn’t over. The revising stage is crucial. You should re-read and edit your paper. Ask yourself questions like: Could this paragraph be clearer? Should I include a quote here to back up my statement? Does this section flow well? Could I have used a better word? Have I gone off the point? Is this sentence concise enough?

    Be objective as possible and scrutinize your work carefully. The more time and attention you give your work, the better it will be.

  • Proofing.
  • Finally, you should proofread for any errors. Use your computer program’s tools to help you, but don’t rely on it to do all the work. You should carefully read through your paper to make sure there are no mistakes like: misspellings, wrong font sizes, bad grammar. Also make sure that you know if there are any specific guidelines for your paper with regards to things like line spacing and margins.

You need to get every single aspect of your paper right!
